Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Can You Dig It?

At the most recent Beginning Farmers class the summer interns Katie Kilpatrick and Jacob Delahoussaye at the Kerr Center demonstrated John Jeavons' Double-Digging method and bio-intensive garden layout.

I can't wait to give this a try in our yard! We've ordered Jeavons' most recent edition of 'How to Grow More Vegetables', and have the perfect spot to try the double digging method. We'll be doing a 4-foot wide (not sure how long yet) bed in the spot we had originally cleared for our small greenhouse. My folks have graciously said we can put the greenhouse in their backyard so that leaves us more room for growing beds. Right now the area has a few bean teepees (which are pretty well drying up in this heat) and is mostly covered with mulch. So we'll have minimal weeding to do to get started.

We also learned a lot about pest and weed control in organic systems. As well as different methods of staking tomatoes and wheel hoes for cultivation and weeding. Can't wait to get a wheel hoe!